Another wonderful picture work from Maira Kalman for The New York Times. This time she 'talks' about Abraham Lincoln and her feelings on him.
Link: http://kalman.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/26/in-love-with-a-lincoln/Xx
Another wonderful picture work from Maira Kalman for The New York Times. This time she 'talks' about Abraham Lincoln and her feelings on him.
Link: http://kalman.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/26/in-love-with-a-lincoln/This week 'The Printed Blog' (which makes number 5) shows an interesting change. Now all the pics and texts used have the same subject: fashion. You can find articles on trends, opinions on the Michelle Obama's Vogue cover, fashion e-commerce, learn how much does clothes really cost and what/where is the fashion of frugality. And photos of beautiful women too, of course. Let's see what happens next week. The Google issue?
Virgil Griffith has mashed up ‘favourite music’ data from Facebook profiles with average SAT score data from schools.
From the same author, check also Books that make you dumb (http://booksthatmakeyoudumb.virgil.gr/). More info: http://www.boingboing.net/2008/01/25/books-that-make-you.html
Vanno.com is an aggregator that measures companie's reputation using their user's activity and articles about these companies published in any newspaper or blog. They have analyzed the impact of the Phelps's affaire after the swimmer (who was Kellogg's public image) was caught with a marihuana pipe. The result is that this was even worst for the company's reputation that the peanutt butter salmonella problem.
Complete analysis in Vanno's blog: http://blog.vanno.com/index.php/2009/02/22/the-mathematics-of-reputation-exactly-how-much-did-michael-phelps-hurt-kellogg/
After his success sorting out the data in polls before the USA presidential election with FiveThirtyEight.com, Nate Silver tried to do the same with the Oscar, selecting the probable winners, from polls and previous prizes, for the Best Picture, Best Director and best actors (main and supporting ones) categories. He was right with the 'Slumdob Millionaire' ones, as with best Supporting Actor and Leading Actress, but failed with Leading Actor (he selected Mickey Rourke) and Supporting Actress (his bet was Taraji P. Henson).
The same mistakes (Supporting Actress and Leading Actor) than the NYT, while the readers got right with Penelope Cruz winning the Supporting Actress award.
The source is Hitwise (http://www.hitwise.com/). Their february look at the UK internet shows that since last october visits to Social Networks + Forums have overtaken the ones to Adult websites, that are still more popular with men. In the US both categories have been switching positions since mid 2007.
In the Hitwise document you can also find out how much Twitter has growin in the UK for the last year (974%) or how e-books search has double in the UK in just one month time.
Posted via email from seretuaccidente's posterous
This is the video my ex co-workers in ADN.es have upload as a goodbye. More than 40 great professionals have worked in this project, trying to make great information ('old style', you can say) for the new people that uses internet as their main way to keep informed. A kind of third way between the mainstream news sites and that other kind of information that provides the blogs, flickr, twitter youtube...
Despite showing good figures (more than 1,3 million users), with even better numbers than internationaly praised sites as Newser (see chart http://trends.google.com/websites?q=newser.com%2C+adn.es&geo=all&date=all&sort=0), the owners decided last month to close the site.
Now ADN.es will die (will be just be updated from time to time with the articles from a newspaper owned by the same company), and this is the farewell of the team that made it possible in the last 18 months.
Los últimos días de ADN.es | Hastaotra.com from Adriano on Vimeo.
This paper published in the bulletin of the demographic National Institute of Paris shows in which areas of France is easier to find euros coined outside the country --so, brought by foreigners-- and the changes in this trend between june and september 2002. That is the year when the physical coins and banknotes entered circulation in the EU.
The paper, in french, shows the result of consulting nearly a million people between these months.
Via Microsiervos [http://www.microsiervos.com/archivo/ciencia/euros-invaden-francia.html]
Good film (not as good as to qualify as great) and a important moment in recent history. The best is Frank Langella's impersonation of Richard Nixon
Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0870111/